Babrak Karmal | Afegão

Babrak Karmal | Afegão

Babrak Karmal (January 6, 1929 - December 3, 1996) was the third President of Afghanistan (1979 - 1986) during the period of the communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. He is the best known of the Marxist leadership. Having been restored to power with Soviet support, he was unable to consolidate his power and, in 1986, he was replaced by Dr. Mohammad Najibullah. He left Afghanistan for Moscow, where he died in 1996.

A Invasão soviética Em 1973, o ex-primeiro-ministro Daud Khan, simpático à União Soviética (URSS), derruba o rei Mohammad Zahir Shah e proclama a República. Em 1978, Daud é deposto e executado por militares. Um regime de inspiração comunista é adotado, com a oposição de guerrilheiros islâmicos. Em 1979, tropas soviéticas invadem o país e põem no poder Babrak Karmal, sucedido por Nadjibollah Mohammad em 1986.

