Lars Von Trier | Cineasta Dinamarquês

Lars Von Trier | Cineasta Dinamarquês

Lars Von Trier | Cineasta DinamarquêsTrier, Lars von (1956-), Cineasta dinamarquês:

Lars von Trier (nascido Lars Trier; 30 de abril de 1956) é um diretor de cinema e roteirista dinamarquês com uma carreira prolífica e polêmica que abrange quase quatro décadas. Seu trabalho é conhecido por seu gênero e inovação técnica; exame confrontacional de questões existenciais, sociais e políticas; e seu tratamento de assuntos como misericórdia, sacrifício e saúde mental.

Entre os seus mais de 100 prémios e 200 nomeações em festivais de cinema em todo o mundo, von Trier recebeu: a Palma de Ouro (para Dancer in the Dark), o Grande Prémio (para Breaking the Waves), o Prix du Jury (para Europa) e o Grande Prêmio Técnico (para The Element of Crime e Europa) no Festival de Cinema de Cannes. Em março de 2017, ele começou a filmar The House That Jack Built, um thriller serial killer em inglês.

Von Trier é o fundador e acionista da produtora internacional de filmes Zentropa Films, que já vendeu mais de 350 milhões de ingressos e recebeu sete indicações ao Oscar nos últimos 25 anos.

O Elemento do Crime (1984);
Europa (1991);
Ondas do Destino (1996);
Os Idiotas (1998);
Dançando no Escuro (2000).

Lars von Trier (Copenhagen, 30 April 1956) is a Danish filmmaker; winner of several European film awards. The "von" particle was adopted by Lars von Trier during his time at the Danish Film School. The reason for his inclusion in the nickname was the nickname that his friends of the time gave him.

Lars made his film debut with Befrielsesbilleder (1982), but went on to be recognized in his eighth directorial title, the romantic drama Breaking the Waves (1996). Years later he performed the comedy Idiolterne (1998), which received critical reviews by the critics and the public, and Dancer in the Dark (2000), which was well received by critics, and was nominated for several important awards, such as the Oscar, Globo of Gold and Independent Spirit Awards and winner of the Palm of Gold by the film. A trilogy was planned by Trier, which began with Dogville (2003), was performed by Manderlay (2005) and does not get any possible news of a third film in the trilogy. Three years after his comedy The Boss of It All (2006), the director directed and wrote the screenplay for a trilogy titled "Trilogy of Depression" with the films Antichrist (2009), Melancholia (2011) and Nymphomaniac (2013) all were well received by critics and the public.

Lars Von Trier
Lars von Trier (Copenhague, 30 avril 1956) est un cinéaste danois. lauréat de plusieurs prix du cinéma européen. La particule "von" a été adoptée par Lars von Trier lors de son passage à la Danish Film School. La raison de son inclusion dans le surnom était le surnom que lui donnaient ses amis de l'époque.

Lars a fait ses débuts au cinéma avec Befrielsesbilleder (1982), mais a été reconnu dans son huitième titre de réalisateur, le drame romantique Breaking the Waves (1996). Des années plus tard, il a interprété la comédie Idiolterne (1998), qui a reçu des critiques critiques de la critique et du public, et Dancer in the Dark (2000), qui a été bien accueilli par la critique et a été nominé pour plusieurs prix importants, tels que l'Oscar, of Gold et Independent Spirit Awards et lauréat du prix Palm of Gold du film. Trier avait commencé une trilogie commençant par Dogville (2003), interprétée par Manderlay (2005) et n’ayant aucune nouvelle possible d’un troisième film de la trilogie. Trois ans après sa comédie The Boss of It All (2006), le réalisateur réalise et écrit le scénario d'une trilogie intitulée "Trilogy of Depression" avec les films Antichrist (2009), Melancholia (2011) et Nymphomaniac (2013). tous ont été bien reçus par les critiques et le public.

